
Unlock What's Holding You Back.

If chronic pain and unrelenting stress are keeping you from actively living your best life, there is good news. The answers may be inside you, waiting to be activated. Are you ready to discover your inner strengths and change your life?

Meet Dr. Eric Kao, Founder of The United Strengths.

A student of exercise science at the University of South Carolina, Eric earned his doctorate of physical therapy at Western Carolina University. His belief that the mind and body cannot be separated in overcoming pain and stress led him to achieve certification in hypnosis therapy. Located here in Greenville, The United Strengths, is based on the centuries-old idea that the keys to good mental and physical health are embedded within us.

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Is Today the Day?

July 27, 2024

If stress, pain and are keeping you from being the person you know you can be, you’re not alone. More than 60% ofthe U.S. adult population are feeling daily stress and anxiety. About one in five adults is experiencing chronic pain, but so few ever do anything about their condition.

If stress is overwhelming you, come learn to tame your stress using your body’s natural mechanisms.
Let’s reclaim your body so you can return to doing what you love.

If fear is stopping you, you won‘t just conquer it, you’ll move right through it.

If you can’t stop, lasting change is possible. With powerful tools, you’ll find new options.

Ready to Take the First Step?

The United Strengths