
The many pelvises theory

Your soul is mine! Flawless victory.
Go ahead and stand up and thrust your pelvis right now. Which one, you ask? Good question!
Today, we go over what I call ‘the many pelvises theory’. You may know a little bit about the pelvis you mostly use, but why limit yourself to just one? Let’s broaden up the characteristics of the pelvis so that we can start enjoying as many as possible. Each pelvis should be like a room – it will have a floor, a ceiling, and walls. Each pelvis can stack on top of the one below so that they share a floor/ceiling.
In order to outline the 5 pelvises, we have to define each floor/ceiling. Each of these transition points is like a horizontal hoop along the body. These transition points can be identified by the fascial bands that run along their circumference, the spinal transition zone they anchor into, and what the ‘opening’ of the hoop is. This opening will either be labeled by what structure fills the opening or sometimes just the anatomical name given to that specific opening. As a bonus, there are coincidentally also 7 chakras (energy points) and these also line up pretty well with each transition point so I’ll mention those as well.
Note that the article is mostly intended for clinicians since it contains a lot of anatomical terms.
Head hoop
  • Fascial band: starts at the bridge of the nose and goes around the eyes, over the ears to the external occipital protuberance
  • Spinal transition zone: sphenobasilar junction
  • Opening: tentorium cerebelli
  • Crown chakra
Chin hoop
  • Fascial band: starts at the chin and goes along the bottom of the mandible and includes the hyoid, then goes under the ears to C0-2
  • Spinal transition zone: craniocervical junction (OA and AA joints)
  • Opening: floor of the mouth
  • 3rd eye chakra
Neck hoop
  • Fascial band: starts at the top of the sternum and goes along the clavicles and top 2 ribs, splits to go over the shoulder and some fibers through the axilla, then along superior scapula to C6-T2
  • Spinal transition zone: cervicothoracic junction
  • Opening: superior thoracic aperture (usually called the thoracic outlet)
  • Throat chakra
Chest hoop
  • Fascial band: starts mid-chest over indention and goes along inferior border of pec major, along lateral border of lats, over the inferior angle of the scapula to T4-T8
  • Spinal transition zone: dorsal hinge – this is where the kyphosis of the thoracic spine is at its peak
  • Opening: top portion of inferior thoracic aperture
  • Heart chakra
Mid-trunk hoop
  • Fascial band: central point can vary anywhere from between the xiphoid process to the umbilicus, then continues along the lower 2 ribs to T11-L2
  • Spinal transition zone: thoracolumbar junction
  • Opening: inferior portion of inferior thoracic aperture with respiratory diaphragm
  • Solar plexus chakra
Abdominal hoop
  • Fascial band: starts anywhere between the umbilicus and pubic symphysis, then goes along inguinal ligaments to the ASISs, and follows the ala of the pelvis to L4-S1
  • Spinal transition zone: lumbosacral junction
  • Opening: pelvic inlet
  • Sacral chakra
Pelvic hoop
  • Fascial band: starts at pubic symphysis and goes along thighs to greater trochanters, along inferior margin of buttocks to sacrococcygeal junction
  • Spinal transition zone: sacrococcygeal junction
  • Opening: pelvic floor muscles
  • Root chakra
The many pelvises
Now that we have each transition point, defining the pelvises are easy! Each one just extends from one level to the next. I’ve outlined each pelvis’ ceiling, floor, walls, and what important structures they contain.
Head pelvis
  • Ceiling to floor: head hoop to chin hoop
  • Walls: skull
  • Contains: yo’ brain
Neck pelvis
  • Ceiling to floor: chin hoop to neck hoop
  • Walls: neck
  • Contains: speech and swallowing structures
Chest pelvis
  • Ceiling to floor: neck hoop to chest hoop
  • Walls: upper ribs
  • Contains: heart and lungs
Abdominal pelvis
  • Ceiling to floor: chest hoop to mid-trunk hoop to abdominal hoop. These 2 are combined since both mid-trunk and abdominal hoops connect into costal arch and diaphragm
  • Walls: lower ribs
  • Contains: lungs
Pelvic pelvis
  • Ceiling to floor: abdominal hoop to pelvic hoop
  • Walls: abdominal and back muscles
  • Contains: all of your internal organs except the heart and lungs
Clinical implications
It’s notable that each of the spinal transition zones are usually areas of heavy clinical focus for treatment. Clinicians will often target these areas specifically or even view them as ‘key links’ in musculoskeletal dysfunction. This is often accompanied by treatment of the corresponding fascial structures, usually along the fascial bands that connect to the spinal transition zone. Also it can be noted that 3 of the ‘openings’ of the hoops make up a set of muscles that function as a diaphragm and are often implicated in general dysfunction of that region. They are the chin hoop (floor of the mouth and suboccipitals for neck pain), the mid-trunk hoop (respiratory diaphragm for back pain), and the pelvic hoop (pelvic floor muscles for back and lower body pain).
There are many other theoretical implications that could be discussed here, but I present this information mostly just for your clinical interest. What is most important is that you now understand that basically all movement is some form of pelvic thrust. Your welcome.

The United Strengths